Any form of hate crime is #Never OK.

For students
  • Student Welfare Team For emotional and practical support, for personal issues impacting on your wellbeing and studies.
  • Hall Wardens/Mentors  If you are a student in University Halls you can ask to speak to your Warden or Hall Mentors. They are available weekday evenings and weekends if you wish to talk things through.  
  • Counselling & Wellbeing The University’s team of professional counsellors and mental health workers offers confidential emotional and wellbeing support. 
  • Disability Advisory Service The University’s dedicated disability advisors can provide advice, guidance and support to students on a range of practical adjustments to your work and studies. 
  • Chaplaincy Offering support and a safe place to talk for students of faith and non-faith. 
  • Reading Students' Union for impartial advice, support and information
  • Exceptional Circumstances. If you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened.
For employees
  • Harassment Peer Support Network is made up of employees of the University from any staff group who have volunteered their time to provide confidential support and information to colleagues who are experiencing unwanted behaviour, bullying or harassment. They are there to listen, talk through options available and, if appropriate, signpost to other sources of support and advice. 
  • Employee Health and Wellbeing These pages will offer information and resources to fully support employee wellbeing in day-to-day life.
  • Employee Assistance Programme The University provides an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is an independent, free, confidential support and counselling service which is run by CIC and is called Confidential Care.
External support
If you would prefer to seek help and support outside of the University, here are some contact details of relevant organisations. 

Stop Hate Crime: report a hate crime online to Thames Valley Police (and other local areas). 

Stop Hate UK: is one of the leading national organisations working to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. You can also find links to specific support services

Thames Valley Police: information on how to report a hate crime directly to the local police. 

Citizens Advice: provide a range of information getting support if you have experienced a hate crime. 

Victims First: offer both emotional and practical support for victims and witnesses of crimes, as well as family members of victims. 

Victim Support: is a UK charity supporting anyone affected by a crime. The charity run a free, secure and confidential MySupportSpace where you  can choose how you would like to be supported. 

Supportline: offer a confidential helpline providing emotional support and any issue.

Crimestoppers: is a charity allowing people to anonymously report crime. They operate 24/7, 365 days a year.

SARI: provides free and confidential support for anyone who is a victim of hate crime. Whether that’s based on race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or sex. 

Equality Advisory Support Service: provide information around discrimination, including British Sign Language options.

Civil Legal Aid: some may be eligible for civil legal aid which can help in cases of discrimination hate crime, as well as other issues. campaign around stopping hate crime with videos and resources. 

Specific reporting services: 
Tell MAMA: for reporting anti-Muslim-Attacks. You don’t need to take legal action to access Tell MAMA’s counselling.

CST: to report antisemitic hate crime. If you are in immediate danger please call the police on 999. Then call the CST National Emergency Number 0800 032 3263. 

Galop: an LGBT+ hate crime helpline.

Gate Herts: If you’ve experienced a crime and you think it’s because you’re Gypsy, Roma or Traveller, you can report it to Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment (GATE) Herts.

Arc SafteyNet: A range of national resources related to Hate Crime and disability. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened