Thank you for choosing to report anonymously.
By submitting an anonymous form, you will not receive any contact regarding the report. If you accidentally identify yourself or anyone else, that information will be deleted. If you would prefer to be contacted by a member of staff, please complete a report with contact details.
We understand that this might be a difficult time for you, and we want to help connect you to support. If you choose to submit a report anonymously, you will not share your name or contact details and the University will therefore not be able to get in touch, give any advice, or undertake an investigation or formal process about your concerns.
We still take anonymous reports seriously and the information you provide will help us monitor trends and carry out preventative work.
You can still report with your contact details at any time to receive support. If you feel able, we would encourage you to do so. You may wish to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information about this.