Any form of sexual misconduct, assault or harassment is #Never OK.

Other support available from the University

For students
  • Student Welfare Team For emotional and practical support, for personal issues impacting on your wellbeing and studies.
  • Hall Wardens/Mentors  If you are a student in University Halls you can ask to speak to your Warden or Hall Mentors. They are available weekday evenings and weekends if you wish to talk things through.  
  • Counselling & Wellbeing The University’s team of professional counsellors and mental health workers offers confidential emotional and wellbeing support. 
  • Disability Advisory Service The University’s dedicated disability advisors can provide advice, guidance and support to students on a range of practical adjustments to your work and studies. 
  • Chaplaincy Offering support and a safe place to talk for students of faith and non-faith. 
  • Reading Students' Union for impartial advice, support and information
  • Exceptional Circumstances. If you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened.
For employees
  • Harassment Peer Support Network is made up of employees of the University from any staff group who have volunteered their time to provide confidential support and information to colleagues who are experiencing unwanted behaviour, bullying or harassment. They are there to listen, talk through options available and, if appropriate, signpost to other sources of support and advice. 
  • Employee Health and Wellbeing These pages will offer information and resources to fully support employee wellbeing in day-to-day life.
  • Employee Assistance Programme The University provides an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is an independent, free, confidential support and counselling service which is run by CIC and is called Confidential Care.
External support
In addition to support from the University, you can also access support through the following external specialist services. 

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment 
Trust House Reading: provide confidential specialist sexual violence and abuse support services to women, men and children living in Berkshire, which includes practical and emotional support and Counselling. This support is available to survivors of historical or recent experiences of rape and sexual abuse and to their friends, family or anyone who is impacted. 

Solace: Sexual Assault referral centre (SARC) offers a safe, discreet and caring environment providing forensic examination and medical treatment, counselling and aftercare support services to men, women and children and those supporting them, who live within Thames Valley, who have experienced rape or sexual assault, recent or non-recent.

NHS Royal Berkshire Hospital – Florey Unit: provide free confidential integrated sexual health services in Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire.

The Survivors Trust: Offers resources and links to services, as well as guidance for those who have experienced rape or sexual assault and those supporting survivors. 

Rape Crisis: provide free support and services to victims and survivors of rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse and all forms of sexual violence.

Image-Based Sexual Abuse 
Revenge Porn Helpline:  Offers confidential advice and support to individuals who have had intimate photos and/or video shared online or offline. 

SPITE:  Free legal advice to victims-survivors of revenge porn. 

National Stalking Helpline: Offers information, advice and guidance to individuals subjected to stalking. 

Domestic Abuse 
Berkshire Women’s Aid: provides support, advocacy and domestic abuse services to everyone who is experiencing domestic abuse.

National Domestic Violence Helpline: Provides support, help and information to women subjected to domestic violence.

Refuge: provide support to women, children & men experiencing domestic violence with a range of services.

Culturally Specific Services
Ashiana Network: Refuge, counselling and advice for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women and girls (14+) who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence. 

Muslim Women’s Network Helpline:  Specialist faith and culturally sensitive helpline offering information, support and guidance for those suffering from, or at risk of, abuse. 

Jewish Women’s Aid: Offers support to Jewish women and girls subjected to domestic abuse and sexual violence.  Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 801 0500. Sexual Violence Support Line: 0808 801 0656 

Karma Nirvana: Offers support to victim-survivors of ‘honour’ based abuse and forced marriage. 

Latin American Women’s Aid: Offers support and advice to Latin American and other Black and Minority Ethnic women (including Trans-women) subjected to gender-based violence in Spanish, Portuguese and English. 

Services for LGBTQ+ individuals 
Galop National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline:  Emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse. 

Galop Sexual Assault Casework and Support Service: Advice and support for LGBT+ people who have experienced sexual violence. 

Support U: provide specialist support and resources for LGBT+ people and those affected by LGBT+ related issues in the Thames Valley. 

Services for Men 
SurvivorsUK:  Online support for men subjected to sexual violence. 

Men’s Advice Line:  Confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence from a partner or ex-partner or family member.

Services for Individuals with Disabilities 
Respond:  National charity working with people with learning disabilities subjected to abuse or violence, which offers a range of evidence-based trauma, informed services for young people and adults. 

DeafHope from SignHealth:  Offers practical and emotional support to Deaf people subjected to domestic abuse. 

Training and awareness
Consent Matters – University training for all students raising awareness of consent, how to respect boundaries and build healthy relationships.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened